Go from burned out to blazing.

Coaching + Community
for Creative Professionals

Hi! I’m Jennifer Spoelma.

I’m a Certified Professional Career Coach, consultant for tech startups, creative and mom.

I coach creative professionals to build careers with foresight so they can bet on themselves every single time.

Learn more about me and my story.

Create your future today.

The job market is changing like crazy, quickly.

In 2025 and beyond, your job isn’t your most stable asset—you are.

Now is the time to invest in yourself.

Learn how to consult so you can your confidence, marketability and opportunities.

Not sure you want to strike out on your own? That’s okay! Building your consulting skills will not only increase your value in your current position but also enable you to create an impressive portfolio.

Members of the Creative Foresight community value living in alignment with their priorities.

We have a willingness (tendency?) to navigate careers in unconventional ways to achieve our goals.

Here are some guiding principles that set us apart:

  • We don’t believe “dream jobs” exist. Rather, we believe that our work is a tool we can use to create our best, most expansive lives.

  • We check ourselves against chasing career “vanity metrics” if they don't have personal importance to us.

  • We are mindful of falling into the trap of always wanting the next thing, and aim to balance growth and contentment.

  • We’re breaking down the boundaries between W2, consulting and self-employment careers.

  • We believe that being paid fairly for the value we bring is essential. Working in our “passion” isn’t a tradeoff for compensation. Rather, it’s a reason to command higher salary/rates.

What clients say:

“This program was a complete game-changer for me.”

Imani Campbell

“I have the momentum and focus I was seeking, and recommend Jennifer to anyone who feels "stuck" from having many potential directions to pursue.”

Zainab Shipchandler

“The support I got from Jennifer during my career change was invaluable.”

Marian Bäckman

“Jennifer helped me so much!
Coming to a crossroads in your career can be overwhelming. Jennifer came through for me with tools and encouragement to explore options that truly spoke to me.”

Ruby Rodriguez

Envision how you would feel making these shifts:

  • Current: Feeling trapped in your job

    Transformation: You are creating and attracting expansive opportunities

  • Current: Wondering, “Is this is as good as it’s going to get?”

    Transformation: You are excited about the future -- you are creating the life you want to lead

  • Current: Feeling like you're the problem. You have a great job, why can't you just be happy?!

    Transformation: You embody your ambition, creativity and vision. You know that your potential is greater than what any single job could offer you

  • Current: Making decisions to stay small in favor of stability

    Transformation: You know that you are your most stable asset — you bet on yourself every. single. time.

  • Current: You work in a “creative” job but don’t feel creative energy

    Transformation: You have reignited your creative flame and know how to channel it