Why vision boards actually help you achieve your goals
Vision boards have been the topic of a few conversations I've had recently. I always thought of vision boards as a fun, inspirational craft. Mod Podge and magazine scraps came to mind quickly, but I didn't see vision boards as the intentional mindset tool they can be.
Why experts and CEOs can make intuitive decisions
Many experts and successful business people attribute at least partial credit for their success to intuition. This sounds fancy. A bit magical or whimsical even. Intuition is something that’s difficult to wrap our head around, and therefore it can easily be the end of a discussion.
Understanding the good and bad of intuitive decision making
Intuition gets a lot of credit for leading people to make healthy, aligned decisions. There is a lot of talk in health and wellness circles about intuitive eating, exercise and self care. But does the data behind intuition-based decisions align for bigger life decisions?