3 reasons bricolage helps you accomplish goals
Bricolage is a fun and fancy word that essentially means "to make do with what's at hand". What makes it special is that the root word of bricolage means "to tinker" and so the idea is that tinkerers are always creating and innovating in a playful way.

Why “bricolage” is a word you need to know as a creative
Bricolage is the positive state of 'making do with what's at hand'. Instead of focusing on the resources you lack, bricolage forces you to rely on your breadth of knowledge and skills to create something new--something unique to you. It is at the heart of creativity and innovation.
Are self-help books for women a path to changing society?
Would you be surprised to learn that many of the female business books that are popular today are quite similar to those that were popular in the 60s? I sure was surprised when I learned that! From an academic perspective, the conversation around women and business has already evolved enough that there are different 'periods' to describe the differences.
Why vision boards actually help you achieve your goals
Vision boards have been the topic of a few conversations I've had recently. I always thought of vision boards as a fun, inspirational craft. Mod Podge and magazine scraps came to mind quickly, but I didn't see vision boards as the intentional mindset tool they can be.
Why experts and CEOs can make intuitive decisions
Many experts and successful business people attribute at least partial credit for their success to intuition. This sounds fancy. A bit magical or whimsical even. Intuition is something that’s difficult to wrap our head around, and therefore it can easily be the end of a discussion.
Understanding the good and bad of intuitive decision making
Intuition gets a lot of credit for leading people to make healthy, aligned decisions. There is a lot of talk in health and wellness circles about intuitive eating, exercise and self care. But does the data behind intuition-based decisions align for bigger life decisions?
How personality influences leadership self-efficacy
Personality has a big influence on how you view yourself and the way you respond to situations. Because of this, it also largely influences our Leadership Self-Efficacy - or our belief in our own leadership abilities. In this episode of Feminine Foresight, we look at the Big Five Personality Theory traits and discuss how the positively, or negatively, influence Leadership Self-Efficacy.
What is self-efficacy and how does it relate to leadership?
Efficacy is all about ability, or effectiveness. It means the ability to create or produce a desired outcome. Self-efficacy, then, refers to your own ability or effectiveness in a given situation. But like many other words that start with the 'self' prefix (self-esteem, self-consciousness, self-awareness, etc.) it has more to do with your self-beliefs than reality.
How to offer empathy when it feels too hard to relate
Even the most naturally empathetic people can experience burnout with empathy. Our desire to demonstrate empathy can easily be overloaded by responsibilities, negativity, or our own internal struggles. We tend to think of empathy as an innate trait, something we have or don't have. But new research suggests otherwise.
How to use your words with integrity
How to use your words with integrity - My top 5 tips to help you preserve truthfulness and become a leader people will trust! In this episode of the Feminine Foresight series, I challenge you to think about the integrity of your own words.
How women with vision transformed a community
The story I'm about to share with you today is one that I hope finds a special, deep place in your heart to live. It's a story about a community of Senegalese women whose vision and dedication changed the destiny of an entire region.
Understanding bias & double standards for women
So if a woman is able to get to a higher leadership position in a company, then she must be very capable and she must have overcome a lot of difficulties to get there. Then she is probably seen as a stronger leader than the men that have also reached that goal with perceivably fewer barriers or fewer difficulties.
Are you a leader or a follower?
The first things to break down is -- what forms a leadership identity? Or a followership identity for that matter. The first thing is going to be individual internalization. That means your self belief, your self concept. Do you see yourself as a leader or capable of leading? Or, do you see yourself as a follower or uninterested in leading?
The 'bossy' lady struggle
Today's topic is all about the term, "bossy." Why we hate that term "bossy," why we are afraid of being called bossy and what we sometimes do so that we don't end up being labeled as bossy and how that can affect our leadership and just our view of ourselves as women and the way that we view other women, etc.
Meet the medieval queen that will rock your world
Mathilda of Flanders is a poignant example of a powerful female leader. You probably haven’t heard of her, and that’s a shame. So today's topic is a very exciting one. It's a history lesson, a little bit, and a profile on a medieval queen named Matilda of Flanders.
Why 'women's leadership' is a conversation we need to move past
Anytime that there is a social issue; whether it has to do with gender issues, racial issues or disability issues, there is a group of people that is being disadvantaged that the issue revolves around. When this happens, it becomes a topic that we need to talk about. So to move past this conversation would mean it’s no longer a prevalent issue.